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Segala puji bagi Allah SWT yang
telah memberikan nikmat serta hidayah-Nya terutama nikmat kesempatan dan kesehatan
sehingga penulis dapat menyelesaikan makalah mata kuliah “Manajemen
Informasi Kesehatan (MIK)” dengan tepat waktu.
Makalah ini merupakan salah satu
tugas mata kuliah Manajemen Informasi Kesehatan di Program Studi Rekam Medis
dan Informasi Kesehatan, Stikes Panakkukang, Makassar, dengan judul makalah “Taking Coding to the Next Level
through Clinical Validation ( The Journal of AHIMA )”.
Selanjutnya penyusunan mengucapkan
terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya kepada Bapak Syamsuddin,A.Md.PK selaku dosen
pembimbing mata kuliah dan kepada segenap pihak yang telah memberikan bimbingan
serta arahan selama penyusunan makalah
Akhirnya penulis menyadari bahwa
banyak terdapat kekurangan-kekurangan dalam penulisan makalah ini, maka dari
itu penulis mengharapkan kritik dan saran yang konstruktif dari para pembaca
demi kesempurnaan makalah ini.
Makassar, 12-01-2014
Samra Ansari.
Taking Coding to the Next Level through Clinical Validation
Health information
management (HIM) is a discipline that has rapidly evolved toward roles of
increasing complexity and demand in recent years and the coding profession has
been one area at the center of this growth. Even though the HIM profession is
currently rethinking their coding and clinical processes due to widespread
industry changes and initiatives, it has always been essential for coding
professionals to have ongoing professional development. Enhancing clinical
knowledge through education and resources is essential.
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Recovery Audit Contractor
(RAC) Scope of Work 2013 includes the following statement:
“Clinical validation is
an additional process that may be performed along with DRG validation. Clinical
validation involves a clinical review of the case to see whether or not the
patient truly possesses the conditions that were documented in the medical
record. Recovery Auditor clinicians shall review any information necessary to
make a prepayment or post-payment claim determination. Clinical validation is
performed by a clinician (RN, CMD or therapist). Clinical validation is beyond
the scope of DRG (coding) validation, and the skills of a certified coder. This
type of review can only be performed by a clinician or maybe performed by a
clinician with approved coding credentials.”
identified improper payments due to the coding/DRG assignments were in cases
where only one complication/comorbidity (CC) or major complication/comorbidity
(MCC) were coded without clinical validation.
AHIMA’s “Guidelines for
Achieving a Compliant Query Practice” advised that a query should be generated
to address conflict between diagnosis and clinical indicators included in the
health record, noting that reasonable support within the health record for the
diagnosis must be present
It is essential for
coding professionals to enhance their clinical skills. This article discusses
approaches to achieving accurate coding/documentation, supported by clinical
Developing Clinical Education
HIM educators can trend
and review audit results that reveal common coding errors, as well as focus on
error trends in principal diagnosis selection. Many In many cases it is
possible that an alternate principal diagnosis will be chosen by the auditor
based on clinical findings within the medical record of which the coding
specialist may not be aware. By incorporating clinical education into the
coding education for a particular topic, coders will learn what clinical
indicators to search for within medical record documentation.
The following are some
best practices to consider when developing coding education:
One-hour Topics
Coding departments can
incorporate clinical information sharing during one-hour meetings on particular
diagnosis topics. For example, a topic can be chosen such as “acute renal
failure” and each participant can be assigned to bring relevant information to
the meeting. For example, one participant can be assigned to bring common
symptoms and laboratory findings, another can bring common treatments for the
diagnosis or the official coding guidance regarding the diagnosis. A time
allotment can be assigned for a group discussion on each area.
Discuss and Test Clinical Knowledge
Following an action plan
assignment or meeting to discuss clinical findings pertaining to a diagnosis,
test the participants on knowledge gleaned.
Follow-up and Repeat Testing
Continually refresh the
coders’ knowledge on all topics covered through continued discussion and repeat
One effective method to
achieve a greater level of expertise is to use clinicians from your facility to
present classes on new surgical or diagnostic procedures, various clinical
disease processes, or how certain surgical instruments are utilized. This type
of training can serve to educate both the coders and the clinicians. Prior to
the training, ask the coders to list their clinical questions that impact
coding on the topic to be presented. This helps the presenter know what to
cover and increases his or her understanding of the relationship of clinical
documentation to coding. As noted in the HPMP Compliance Workbook,
the questions can also point out areas where improved physician documentation
is needed.
The Push for Productivity
With coder shortages,
pressure to reduce accounts receivables for increased cash flow, and the
challenge of learning a new coding system on the horizon, there is no question
that HIM professionals are looking for ways to improve coder efficiency and
productivity. And yet, several industry studies indicate that inpatient coding
productivity has declined over the past few years. There are several potential
reasons for this drop in productivity:
Increased regulatory reporting requirements such as present on
admission (POA) indicators and quality indicators impacting reimbursement for
hospital-acquired conditions and other value-based purchasing initiatives
Increased scrutiny of coded data from regulatory and government
audit entities, including clinical validation of codes reported
Constant improvements in medical practice, changing the way
conditions are diagnosed and medical interventions are delivered, necessitating
that coders stay abreast of these clinical developments
More emphasis on physician queries to clarify documentation
Implementation of new technologies, impacting workflow processes
and creating new challenges (i.e., hybrid records, cut-and-paste documentation)
With the implementation of the 5010 electronic data transmission
standard, the ability to report 24 diagnoses and 24 procedures marks a
significant increase from nine diagnoses and six procedures
professionals must “step it up” to survive in this new environment. Enhancing
clinical knowledge through education and resources is essential. The
availability of Internet resources such as drug references, anatomy and
physiology charts, professional medical society websites, and online
pathophysiology resources can increase productivity by making knowledge
available at the coder’s fingertips. Clinical documentation improvement
programs have gone a long way to reduce physician queries by collaborating with
physicians up front for accurate and complete documentation. Finally, productivity
can be increased by eliminating the rework of denials through clean claims on
the front end.
One way to increase
clean claims is by implementing a second level pre-bill review process for high
risk inpatient and outpatient cases. Develop a list of high risk MS-DRGs,
diagnoses, and services that warrant a second coder review prior to dropping
the bill. Include high risk post-payment target areas that have become
pre-payment targets for the RAC and Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC).
These government initiatives have found that pre-payment reviews “help lower
the error rate by preventing improper payments rather than the traditional “pay
and chase” methods of looking for improper payments after they occur.”4 MS-DRGs included
in the CMS Prepayment Review Demonstration are currently being reviewed prior
to payment in eleven states (California, Florida, Illinois, Louisiana, Michigan,
Missouri, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Texas). Research
MAC websites to identify prepayment reviews currently being performed by the
local MAC. At a minimum, consider the following for your own pre-bill reviews:
RAC Prepayment Review targets (see Table 1 below)
Review areas identified by MAC
Short-stay medical cases
Cases with only one complication/comorbidity (CC) or major
Unrelated Operative Procedure MS-DRGs (981-983, 987-989)
Outpatient procedures on the inpatient-only list
Level 5 emergency department visits with discharge to home
Services with high denial rates at your facility
Cases for pre-bill
review can be identified simply by the coder or through software with
sophisticated algorithms. The second level review may be performed by peer
review from experienced coders, by a lead coder or coding manager. Whatever
your process, it should include documentation of the second level review for
future reference in defending a potential payment denial. Include official
references such as AHA Coding Clinic, ICD-9-CM Official Guidelines for
Coding and Reporting, and CPT Assistant in documentation.
A CMS prepayment edits schedule is available at http://www.cms.gov/Research-Statistics-Data-and-Systems/Monitoring-Programs/Recovery-Audit-Program/RecoveryAuditPrepaymentReview.html.
Implementing and Addressing Clinical Coding Validation Denials
Successfully reducing
clinical coding denials requires a joint interdisciplinary team effort. The key
individuals are physicians, clinical documentation improvement staff, coders,
and other key clinical areas. This process not only requires a solid
retrospective denial review process but also a proactive analysis process that
involves determining risk, concurrent review via CDI or other method, ongoing
process improvement, and education. HIM professionals possess a well-rounded
background to manage, assess, address, and facilitate audit improvement. Denial
focus areas include ICD-9-CM codes, CPT and HCPCS codes, and application of
those rules as related to code assignment and billing, chargemaster maintenance
and set up, transfer DRGs with discharge disposition assignment, and
utilization and readmission review. Outside of these areas, clinical validation
review has arisen as a key area where coders should increase awareness.
Working to Prevent Denials
A good audit management
process manages denials as they come in but also works proactively to prevent
them. Coders are now more than ever faced with the question of how to handle
validating clinical denials from a coding perspective. As mentioned above,
queries are a way for coders to confirm the validity of coding a diagnosis or
procedure. Clinical validation is no different. In the day to day, coders must
question the clinician and/or utilize internal escalation process when
resolution of uncertainty is needed. Clinical validation review requires
utilization of this process more than ever before.
Steps for success in
clinical validation denial prevention audits include:
Know and understand how clinical validation relates to code
Implement and effectively manage a CDI program
Work as a team with coding, CDI, and physicians/clinicians
Focus on documentation
Identify holes/shortcomings
Query, query, query
Know targets
Know deficiencies and correct them
Educate key players in targets and trends within facility
Analyze to determine success
Continue to grow coding and clinical knowledge
Identify coder problem areas
Stay current with coding risk areas through the OIG, MAC, and CMS
Compliance Newsletter communications
Defending Clinical Denials
Defending clinical
denials can be challenging. Coding professionals must not only ensure they are
within the parameters of official coding guidance, they must review the record
to justify the clinical significance of the chart coding. HIM professionals have
a background built for this, however, and with proper training should be able
to negotiate the path between exercising coding judgment and clinical judgment.
The query process and collaboration with the physician is key as they have the
ultimate keystroke for accurate and quality code assignment. Work with CDI and
physicians as needed to build the case to support the code assignment
Steps for success in
clinical validation audits include:
Know risk areas
Run and analyze data
Identify process constraints
Educate key team members
Ensure notifications for medical records are being communicated to
Reroute accounts following code assignment related to audit target
areas for quality review
Track and trend audits
Know, analyze, and act on denial reasons
Decrease denials with teamwork
Share coding denials with clinical documentation staff
Allow case management to share medical necessity denials
Track physician medical necessity denials due to incorrect
Advancing the Coding Profession: Communication Skills, Clinical
Skills, and Credentials
A coding professional
must have a solid base of medical terminology, anatomy, pathophysiology, and
pharmacology. It’s not enough to see a diagnosis, sign, or symptom documented
in the medical record. Coding professionals must take the time to look it up in
the book or encoder and add it to the list of codes. Clinical knowledge is put
to use continuously along with coding rules and guidelines to make the proper
code assignment.
Consider the following
scenario for example: a 23-year-old female presents to the emergency room with
the sudden onset of severe pelvic pain, vaginal bleeding, and lightheadedness.
She has a history of multiple abdominal surgeries. Positive smoker, 1 pack per
day. Serum ?-hCG levels were elevated. The patient was diagnosed with an
ectopic pregnancy and transferred to the OR.
Without knowing the
pathophysiology and clinical picture of an ectopic pregnancy, an untrained
person may code the pain, bleeding, lightheadedness and abnormal lab values in
addition to the ectopic pregnancy, where a trained coder knows all of these are
signs and symptoms of the definitive diagnosis and are not coded.
Communication skills,
both oral and written, are essential, as well as the ability to effectively
interact with all types of clinical staff including physicians, mid-level
providers (i.e., physician assistants, nurse practitioners), nurses,
technicians, and therapists from many different specialty areas:
Surgical/Operating Room
Cardiovascular/Catheterization Lab
Orthopedics/Physical Therapy
Critical Care/Respiratory Therapy
Emergency Department
many professionals are well versed in one or two specific areas, a coding
professional must be knowledgeable in all body systems and know how to convey
the information concisely and in several different styles:
Face-to-face or written queries
Coding education to providers and staff
Appeal letters
Day-to-day interaction
Coding questions
The ability to formulate
a query with clinical evidence from the medical record will garner the
attention of the provider and decrease the likelihood of an unanswered
question. The ability to speak with a provider in clinical terms about disease
processes and formulate intelligent questions will gain the respect of the
provider and increase the likelihood of successes in the future. Providers will
also be more likely to listen to those who are clinically knowledgeable when
being educated about coding issues, which is of utmost importance as we move
closer to the implementation of ICD-10-CM/PCS.
The ability to speak to
or query a provider or write an effective appeal letter with the clinical
knowledge of a disease process further supports the importance of and the need
for a coding professional in the clinical validation process.
In the transition to
ICD-10-CM/PCS, coding documentation will be even more important as will the
need for coders to translate that clinical documentation to the new code set.
Just the sheer volume of added codes will require more analysis and research by
coders. This is the time for coders to take the opportunity to expand their
skills on the clinical side of coding and strengthen their position in the
industry. Most coders are being given the chance to sharpen their clinical
knowledge by their employers and they should all take that opportunity to grow
their skills. It is a great time to increase their confidence in the very
important position that they are in and capitalize on the opportunities that
ICD-10-CM/PCS will bring.
way for coding professionals to demonstrate their advanced clinical knowledge
is by attaining the Certified Documentation Improvement Practitioner (CDIP)
credential. Professionals earning the CDIP credential will be distinguished as
knowledgeable and competent in clinical documentation in patient health records
and be positioned as leaders and role models in the HIM community.
1. http://library.ahima.org/xpedio/groups/public/documents/ahima/bok1_050563.hcsp?dDocName=bok1_050563
Tanggal Akses : 13 Januari 2013